The Archdiocese of New Orleans takes seriously its obligation to ensure that those entering marriage understand the significance of this commitment and to call married couples to joyfully accept their rightful place in the Church and Society.
A couple seeking marriage in the Church must contact their parish priest or deacon at least six months prior to their proposed marriage. The priests and deacons of the archdiocese are especially trained to work with the couples to select the most appropriate and beneficial marriage preparation program. This preparation period allows couples adequate time and the necessary guidance to reflect on the significance of marriage in the Church and to adequately discern their vocation to married life. Contacting and working closely with a priest or deacon of the archdiocese is a couple’s best bet for making the most of this critical time in their life.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans offers several different marriage preparation programs, each tailored to the specific needs of couples in different circumstances. Special programs are available for those who are re-marrying or validating a previous marriage in the Church. A premarital inventory is a tool used to help discern the particular needs of each couple and is a required element of marriage preparation in the Catholic dioceses of Louisiana. The priest or deacon, working closely with the couple and making use of the valuable information from the premarital inventory can select the best possible program for each couple’s needs.
For up to date information about available marriage preparation programs, dates and online registration, please visit the “Getting Married” section of the Marriage and Family Life webpage.
“God calls each of us to be holy, to live his life, but he has a particular path for each one of us. Some are called to holiness through family life in the sacrament of Marriage.”– Pope Francis